The B1 Mall
Leasing Opportunities: Inquire Today for Prime Retail Spaces at The B1 Mall.
Tenant Category*
SelectAnchorLine shopFood & BeverageServiceSpecialty
Trading Name*
Owner / Franchisee*
Postal Address*
Physical Address*
Contact Person Name*
Telephone Number*
Fax Number*
Website Address*
Type of Legal entity (i.e. LLC, PLC, etc.)*
Geographical Trade Profile*
Trade License No.*
Number of years in Business*
Number of Countries Represented in*
Number of existing Outlets*
Latest Shop Location*
How did you hear about The B1 Mall?*
Shop Activity*
Shop Required at*
Target market price range*
SelectLowMiddleMiddle PlusHigh
Current turn over per annum in lowest performing outlet*
Future Growth Plans*
Trade License / Trade Name Reservations
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Company / Brand Profile
Menu (If Applicable)
Existing shops front design, photos–Merchandise